Saturday, April 08, 2006

play night two

My in-laws and our family went to tonights performance to see D once again reprise her role as an indian in the school production of Peter Pan. The production was just as cute as last night. A little different in parts but definitely enjoyable. As with last night D did an awesome job as a barefoot indian. Oh, as a side note, she was the only indian in brown pants, the costume people didn't make me change them. It did make her easier to spot on stage amidst the 35 or so other indians.

After the performance we all gathered around for hugs and congratulations. She blew fairy dust on her dad but he somehow didn't manage to fly. She came home in her costume which she got to keep.

On the ride home Steve mentioned that it was a lot of rehearsal (two months) for two nights of performance. My father-in-law then said, "But aren't they playing in Oklahoma next week?" We all laughed. It was a fabulous experience for and I think she got a lot out of it. Perhaps she'll decide to do it again next year.

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