Saturday, April 01, 2006


Glow bowling at the alley! It was tons of fun. D's birthday party with 9 friends. At the alley they turned off all the lights, turned on the disco balls and turned up the rock-and-roll. The theme was CareBears (D picked it). The kids had a fabulous time. They also managed to chow their way through three large pizza's.

After two hours of bowling we tromped (rode actually) over to Friendly's for ice cream. It was quite amusing to see the look on the hostess' face as we walked through the door. The guy standing next to her was counting...five, I popped my head up above them and said, "No, fifteen(we had a couple of parents and sibs with us). We wound up getting the back room all to ourselves. The girls got loud and giggly, it was so much fun.

Now we're home with five sleep-overees. Given the current decibel level I wonder how long it will be until I need to put in ear plugs. But they're having such a great time.

Funny note...when she dropped her daughter off one mother reminded me of a previous year when the sleep-over was over Daylight Savings and everyone showed up one hour late...wonder what will happen this year.

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