Monday, May 30, 2005

book chuckles

Results of the book meme turned out rather interesting.

My friend Sue said, "There's no way I'm counting books ~ that'd take up time I'd rather use actually reading!"

My Dad suggested to my Mom that she simply come up with an average book width, measure all shelves and multiply. Not a bad way to get a quick estimate. I think it got her curiousity going though as this is the email I received:

I did a book count for shelf sections in my room - there are 3 shelves in each vertical section, 9 sections all together. Included books on the floor behind the door but ignored boxes of books I've authored that are in my study's closet. Imprecise but a reasonable approximation would be 700 books. That includes paperback as well as hardcover, but probably not including pamphlets. These are all gardening or horticulture books.

There are 3 bookcases in the living room, 3 more bookcases in the lower landing, the shelves of paperback science fiction at the foot of the stairs, and about 30 to 40 hardcover books on shelves in the basement. Plus I think there are a box or two of books in the basement. Two smallish bookcases of cookbooks in the kitchen, one only partially filled. Three bookcases in the guest bedroom. Maybe 40 feet of books in your father's office.

So yes, 4 figures is accurate.

My brother heard about the meme and his response was a large hmmm-type sigh and a "don't ask me" silence.

My exchange mother heard about it and voluntarily, of her own free will, submitted the following response:

"I found it amusing to think of counting books; I went immediately to work. In my library (that in the last few years has increased), I proudly counted 1020 books. Many books are antiquarian, reference books, art books some novels and science fiction. Not included in this number are my cookbooks, no children's books and nothing from my kids."

Okay folks, I think we're just going to open our own library.

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