Tuesday, September 19, 2006

tuesday update

It's Tuesday, a typically busy day for me. I did go to the farm today, Steve went with me. In addition to our usual haul of yummy veg we were told that we could pick all the gleanings of plum tomatoes that we wanted. Whooie! Steve and I picked four bags (no idea how much that came to maybe 20 pounds?) and we have two huge pots cooking down for sauce. Yummm. Tomorrow will be a busy day too.

Tonight was also Stitch Sisters. A sad meeting tonight as one of our members passed away. She was 18 and had been ill for a while. We all got together tonight and shared memories, tears, laughter, tea and chocolate. We also made plans to get through the next few days of the wake and funeral. We're all in shock, it's so difficult, but we're grateful for our sisterhood of each other.

Another loss that cuts so close to my heart is that of my sister-in-law's mother, Joyce. She was an amazing woman of strength, dignity and true southern charm. When we lived in Texas she made sure to include us in all of the family holidays, we had several wonderful Easter egg hunts at her house. She was an amazing woman with so many interests and a true passion for life. I felt even more fortunate to be able to continue our relationship when we moved back East as we would get to see her when she and her husband came to visit her daughter and family. She leaves a large gap in a lot of hearts and will be greatly missed.

It seems so hard to end this post on a sad note. I usually try to make my blog entries hold only the happy things so that I have a record of the joys in life to counteract those moments that get you down. But these passages are part of life and such a part of where I am right at this particular moment; so here it stands.

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