Sunday, October 01, 2006

30 days of peace - day six

Today is day six on my quest for calmness and peace. It's a Sunday and has been a peaceful day in part because there was not a lot of running around and no chores got done. Truly a day of rest.

My gratitudes for the day included:

  • rainy sunshine (I love it when that happens)
  • lying in bed reading uninterrupted for a whole hour (a real treat)
  • D making me popcorn and a cup of tea (unbidden) this afternoon
  • a phone call from my Uncle who I had not talked to in a long time

    I'm finding that thanks to Chaotic Mom's idea of a 30 quest for peace I am sitting down every day (even if I don't post every day) and conciously focusing on those things that are positive and bring a sense of calm into my day. It's a really nice exercise. I'm also enjoying checking in with the others who are doing this to see what they are up to for their peaceful quest; it's encouraging to see them working at it as well.

  • 1 comment:

    Chaotic Mom said...

    This is neat. My day yesterday was not peaceful, but I found ways to be thankful. It IS a very personal "journey". I'm finding it a challenge, though. It will be interesting to see how I do as hormones hit. Grrr.... ;)