Sunday, April 15, 2007

grateful grains

Grains of Gratitude started with Christine over at Brady's Bunch.

Today I am grateful for:

*A thought provoking and touching service at church about Yom Ha'Shoah, the Holocaust Remembrance Day. Our minister read passages from a book "The Lost: A Search for Six of Six Million" by Daniel Mendelsohn plus shared memories of her own visit to Auschwitz.

*A call from a friend who I haven't heard from in a while. We spent over an hour on the phone catching up, it was really great.

*A call from my folks. Always great to talk to them. If anything they have more rain and bad weather than I do.

*That we still have firewood at this point in the year (probably due to an overly warm January), so the house is cozy.

*Leftovers for lunch!

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